
ZOOMFAB MSS®, Express Estimator® and ZOOMFAB Service® at EuroBLECH 2022 in Hannover, Germany


With an array of newly added powerful features, ZOOMFAB MSS® manufacturing supervisory system takes on effective production management and productivity improvement roles not available by most ERP systems. Compared to MES, ZOOMFAB MSS® excels with practicality, cost-effectiveness, speed and easy implementation; it is an ideal tool for businesses with or without an ERP system. 

ZOOMFAB MSS® includes automated IIoT machine monitoring, job execution and data collection, real-time production visibility, alerts and notifications, OEE analytics, work centre revenue and profit, machine downtime and causes, energy consumption and cost, asset management and much more.

ZOOMFAB MSS® is the most effective and easiest-to-implement production management and productivity improvement tool for sheet metal fabricators and machining shops of any size.

Zoomfab Manufacturing Supervision System


ZOOMFAB Express Estimator® 

Five years of development is finally culminating in the introduction ZOOMFAB Express Estimator®, the price estimating software. The idea behind the product is to save the time and skill needed to create fast price estimates but to base them on a realistic workflow and bill of materials. 

Unique features of ZOOMFAB Express Estimator® include innovative RFQ management and progress monitoring module, automatic assembly explosion with hardware recognition and unfolding, drag-and-drop tools for fast workflow creation, built-in technology tables and process time calculators, engineering to production tools, automatic inclusion of cutting gas and electricity cost, and more.

ZOOMFAB Express Estimator®  can exchange information ERP, MES,  JETCAM CrossTrack and other production management solutions. 

Sheetmetal Part Engineering


ZOOMFAB Service® 

Bridging the missing link between the customers, their machines and the service provider, ZOOMFAB introduces ZOOMFAB Service® SaaS monitoring, reporting and communication tool. 

ZOOMFAB Service®  has two advanced features, real-time machine monitoring and automated machine fault reporting, with or without the request for the service intervention. Monitoring also provides the history of machine operation states, up-to-the-minute machine utilization graphs, electricity consumption and other important data.

The monitoring system uses IIoT technology for collecting machine data and operation states. It is further supported by extended data collection (EDC) terminals for fault activation, description of cause and communication with the service provider. 

Zoomfab Service manufacturing



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