Workcentre revenue and profit
Manufacturers, especially job shops, devote a lot of time and resources to identifying jobs where they lose money. This is a relatively simple task. However, there is another, even more important part of the business, where the company may be losing substantially more money. These are non-performing or underutilised work centres, which can run at a substantial loss, and are much harder to identify without the right tools. ZOOMFAB is one of the industry's few tools that address this issue.
Budgeted vs actual hourly rate
Most sheet metal fabricators only rarely calculate and update their hourly rates. One reason is that they are reluctant to change prices and potentially upset existing customers. The other reason is the amount of work this calculation entails. Once ZOOMFAB is installed, its first task is calculating hourly rates for each work centre. When this is done, ZOOMFAB continues to monitor work centre performance and the impact on hourly rates. When you know your true hourly rates, you understand your reserves. That helps when you need to be competitive. This is often confronting but very important feature of ZOOMFAB.
Machine revenue, profit, ROI, PBP
It is a simple fact that some machines don't make money. The reason could be that they are used seldom but critical for the business, unreliable, often broken down, old and difficult to set up. Another reason could be that some of your machines are used inefficiently or being underutilised. So let ZOOMFAB show you how your machines perform and if they make money for you.