The big picture is at your fingertips


The Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) is the key indicator of your manufacturing efficiency. It measures whether resources, such as personnel and machinery, are being used efficiently. A higher OEE value means more efficient use of resources. Depending on the data collected, ZOOMFAB calculates OEE per machine, for the entire work centre and individual jobs.
The Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP) indicates how much capacity can be unlocked and how much potential you have to increase throughput with your current equipment.





Watching utilisation trends helps confirm if the improvement of production processes has the desired effect. Even if trends are stable, verifying that production continues to run smoothly is important.




Spare capacity

How often have you asked, "what is our true capacity?" or "can we do more?"
The answer lies in understanding how productivity affects spare capacity. ZOOMFAB has the answer. It will show you how well you utilise your work centres, how efficient you are and what additional capacity you can extract from your existing machines during regular or extended working hours. So,  don't solve your capacity problems by buying more equipment or hiring more people. ZOOMFAB gives you more capacity!

Spare capacity


Machine downtime and causes

Only a limited number of faults, even the most sophisticated CNC machines, can identify and report. As a result, it is often the machine operator who discovers the problem forcing him to interrupt production. ZOOMFAB EDC3 terminal allows machine operators to record and report the machine faults and to identify their causes.


Machine downtime causes


Energy consumption and cost

How much of the energy you pay for each month is actually used to power your plant when it is productive? You may be surprised how much is escaping by leaving machines idle or switched ON all nights and weekends. Old machines, laser chillers and compressors need especially close attention. ZOOMFAB is the right tool to support your energy management.


Energy consumption and cost